Coronavirus is Placing College Sports on Hold, Putting Students, University Budgets, and Entire Towns At Risk
On college football Saturdays, tiny Clemson, South Carolina (pop. 17,000), ...
On college football Saturdays, tiny Clemson, South Carolina (pop. 17,000), turns into a city of 150,000 when fanatics pour into downtown and swarm Memorial Stadium, home of the Tigers. Some don’t even have a ticket...
The debate for federal paid sick leave began during the H1N1 pandemic in 20...
The debate for federal paid sick leave began during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 and it continues today. Here's what we can learn from the past
Countries around the world have introduced stringent control measures to st...
Countries around the world have introduced stringent control measures to stop COVID-19 outbreaks growing, but now many find themselves facing the same situation again. From Melbourne to Miami, the relaxation of measures had led to...
Dutch scientists showed in March wastewater surveillance can identify evide...
Dutch scientists showed in March wastewater surveillance can identify evidence of the pathogen earlier than testing patients
U.S. Drops Another $2.1 Billion on Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
The U.S. will pay “for development including clinical trials, manufacturing...
The U.S. will pay “for development including clinical trials, manufacturing, scale-up and delivery of its vaccine"
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"COVID-19 activity will likely continue for some time,” Fauci will say in a...
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Jair Bolsonaro's Wife and a Fifth Cabinet Member Test Positive for COVID-19 in Brazil
President Bolsonaro told reporters on July 7 he had been diagnosed with the...
President Bolsonaro told reporters on July 7 he had been diagnosed with the coronavirus